David LeMair Tennis
Tennis for all ages and skill levels!
Adult Tennis Camps
The Adult Summer Tennis Camps at SHBR are a combination of intense drills, instruction, and strategy that will lead to the overall improvement of one’s tennis game. The camps are also a great way for adults to meet other players that are serious about hitting and working on their tennis skills. Camps are for ALL levels of adult tennis players, from beginners to advanced (different levels will be in different groups and/or different weeks).

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Once-a-Week Adult Tennis Camps:

Tennis Camps are offered once-a-week. Camp classes run two hours, from 6 to 8 PM, on a given day each week. E-mail goes out to everyone each week, giving which day camp will be on and deadline for signing up. For example, if camp will be held on Tuesday, e-mail may be sent on Thursday asking whoever would like to participate in the upcoming camp to RSVP no later than Sunday night. Player does not have to commit to multiple weeks or way in advance (or even have to reply if he/she doesn't want to participate that week), but it allows director to know who is coming, plan for the correct number of instructors and place players in groups that are of similar skil-levels.
To be included on the e-mail list for Adult Tennis Camps, please submit the following information: